User experiences are a very important aspect for any kind of shopping experience. Imagine you are at a store and looking for the products that you wish to buy or any customer experience and service you are looking for. These situations are quite realistic, but the most crucial part is the user experience of the customer service staff or the person who’s on call or who is assisting the buyer all through the shop.
What do these indicate to you? Certainly, the first impression is the last impression – this adage implies the best here.
Thus the better the user’s experience better is the sales conversion. This implies to the online world as well, in this article we will focus on the UX on your website and how it affects the sales of your business. Also, we will try to understand how to improve the user experience on your website to get maximum customers retention that helps in your business growth.
Great user experiences are the backbone of any good working website. The user experience eventually determines whether you will see a hike in the bounce rate or exit rate or an increase in your traffic and conversion rates. Owing to this there are many organizations that have now started using UX as an effective tool for good conversion rates.
What is User Experience (UX)?
Technically, the definition of the user experience varies from industry to industry and website to website. Due to this reason, there are many developers and experts who quote different types of definition for user experience UX and they work in their respective realms, industries, and studies to learn more about UX and UX design. Basically, website user experience UX is the comprehensive experience of the user when he or she is browsing or using the website. To take an example – in case you want your visitors to come again and again on your website, stay on your website, like the posts, share, comment, join your email list, and even buy your product and services, then you shall focus on enhancing the website’s UX.
The Impact of UX on the website development!
Creating a website is a foreseeable part of establishing your business online. In fact, websites are quite usual today as they reach out the larger audience and indeed are effective for businesses development. But remember creating a website only doesn’t solve the purpose, giving your customers a good user experience and hassle-free navigation is more important. In turn, these visitors should be given unique User Experience (UX) to make their browsing experience superb.
Hence, one shall never compromise on creating the best UX design trend for your website as this will make your website more web responsive and increase traffic as well. There are many tips by which you can increase your user experience – UX on your website so that it becomes highly responsive.
Let’s not waste time and learn the 6 best tips that will elevate your user experience UX in your website.
How about getting a good home page
The homepage is the face of your website. It is the first thing that your visitor witness, thus it shall be very friendly and easy to access for the users. Use attractive colors, templates, banners, videos and try to include the most important information about your business on the homepage. This will entice your users to experience good navigation and convenience while browsing your website. Please do not forget to include the logo and a good connect to the other web pages.
1. Don’t mess up with your page load time
If your website takes a lot of time to load the pages then there are chances that your visitor might leave your website without making any action. This will hamper your traffic and increase your bounce rate. Here, you should keep the pace on the page load time – ideally, it should be three or four seconds for your web pages, else the users will get bored.
2. Use clear, crisp and perfect images to lure your customers/visitors
A brilliant website design is like a decor to the website, Thus the developers make sure that they create the most user-friendly and responsive website that lure the visitors to hop on it and stay there for a while, eventually making an action. Here it hardly matter that what are you selling, even if it is not a very appealing product like – pencils, notepads, or any other household stuff but if their products are used beautifully with a lots of images, collage, panoramic shots, a lot of stock of the products and like then it becomes easy and captivating for the visitors to view the close-up of the product and can make a buy with an easy check out.
3. Security is the key that shouldn’t be promised
Deliberately we have mentioned this tip in the last, as this is the most crucial and the most vulnerable. Of course, it has its own significance that shouldn’t be ignored. Your users will able to trust you and your website if they know their data is secure and all their personal information that they put on your website is safe with no hacking threats. To ensure these features SSL certificates are vital to use. These digital certificates offer enhanced layers of security and are issued by certificate authority CA. You can buy them from trusted SSL certificates come in different types as per the demand of the online business for example – RapidSSL Certificate, RapidSSL Wildcard certificate, GeoTrust Extended Validation certificate and much more.
For a robust and stringent web security, don’t miss out on SSL certificate as they give you encrypted information by offering a green padlock sign and a trust seal in the address bar of the URL of your domain. This, in turn, guarantees an excellent browsing experience to the users/visitors. Moreover, this security seal will bring more customers eventually, bringing more business and good rate of conversions.
4. The more responsive the website is better is the user experience UX
There are a variety of devices being used to access your website, and Therefore it is important that your site must accommodate them. You should test the site on different devices to see how easy it is to navigate. There is also a way to vary the user experience based on their perceived age thanks to metadata. This helps you speak to different age groups about your products or services and makes it relevant to their needs.
5. Leave your visitors with a catchy call to action
Interesting call to action at your website is a vital element for your customers to have recall value of your products and services. Try incorporating remarkable user interface and excellent design elements that leave an everlasting impression on your website and they shall come back to your website. A simple call to action that entices your visitors can be clear action or message that what your visitor has to do once he or she is done browsing your website for their needs. The call to action can be made interesting by using various color combinations, background images, punch lines like – buy now, shop here. You can also make it catchy and attractive by using GIF and simple animations.
6. Catch Hold of Your all 404 errors
Imagine your visitor is looking for a product or a service on your website and he or she finds that the page is not showing and giving 404 errors. Isn’t it embarrassing and bad for your site’s reputation? None of the clients would love this to happen. Thus, fix it as soon as possible once you find this error is arising. Fixing will definitely increase your user experience UX. Also, this will help to regain the trust of your returning users/visitors. Therefore, make sure you have brilliant website UX design trend.