Today New Horizons will pass the closest to Pluto around 10 000 miles, Taking pictures of the Dwarf planet and it’s moons. Naza is using this close approach to learn a lot about the dwarf planet, reports are already surfacing about the real size of Pluto
Asteroid Day is an annual global awareness movement that brings people from around the world together to learn about asteroids and what we can do to protect our planet, our families, communities, and future generations. Asteroid Day will be held on the anniversary of the 1908 Siberian Tunguska event, the largest asteroid impact on Earth in recent history.
2012 DA14 is a near-Earth asteroid with an estimated diameter of about 50 meters (160 ft) and an estimated mass of about 190,000 metric tons. It was discovered on February 23, 2012, by the OAM Observatory, La Sagra in Spain seven days after passing 0.0174 AU (2,600,000 km; 1,620,000 mi) from Earth on February 16. Calculations show that on February 15, 2013, the distance between the asteroid and the center-point of Earth will be 0.000228 AU (34,100 km; 21,200 mi). The asteroid will pass 27,700 km (17,200 mi) from the surface of Earth. The 2013 passage of 2012 DA14 by Earth is a record close approach for a known object of this size. Continue reading “Asteroid 2012 DA14 passes very close to earth on Friday February 15,2013”
A blue moon is the appearance of the third full moon in a season that has four full moons, instead of the usual three. It is never visually blue. Because a blue moon occurs only every two or three years, the term blue moon is used colloquially to mean a rare event, as in the phrase “once in a blue moon”.