Job search in the 21st century has introduced a completely new approach to both recruiting and self-marketing. Now that people are more and more dependent on social media, it allows both job seekers and employers to use social networking as a powerful and more effective job search tool.
In fact, social media contributes to personal branding, opens up opportunities for better networking, brings you closer to target employers and in general increases your visibility online. There are quite a few other social media facts most of the job seekers are unaware of.
Nowadays, only 4% of recruiters ignore using social media for hiring. Other 96% might even stalk their potential candidates for a certain period to learn more about them through their online presence.
Furthermore, 51% out of this 96% of recruiters prefer googling applicants as a part of their selection process. Sounds compelling? Then, let’s learn a little more about the top rated social media job search sites to help you boost your social media job search.
About the Author: Victoria Vein is a writer at Resume Writing Lab for IT specialists.