Stroganoff or Stroganov (Бефстроганов Befstróganov) is a Russian dish of sautéed pieces of beef/chicken served in a sauce with smetana. From its origins in 19th-century Russia, it has become popular around the world, with considerable variation from the original recipe.
Ingredients needed to make this Recipe. (4 servings)
- 0.6 Kg Sliced Meet/Chicken
- 1 medium size onion
- 2 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 1/2 cup on sliced mushroom
- 4-5 tablespoon mustard
- 4-5 tablespoon Soy Sauce
- 2 cups cream (whipped cream or sour cream)
- 2 tablespoon of lemon juice
Preparation phase (10 min)
- cut the onion to medium size
- slice the meat/chicken if they are not sliced
- squeeze the juice from the lemon
Steps (30 ~ 40 min)
- heat the oil in a pane and put in the onions for about 1~2 min
- add the meet/chicken, and keep stirring every 5 min
- after around 10 min add the mushroom
- keep cooking till the mix dries completely
- add in the mustard and the soy sauce and cook for around 1~2 min
- lower the fire and add the cream (should cover all the mix)
- as soon as the mix starts boiling add the lemon juice and wait for another 5 min for the recipe to be over
Stroganoff can be served with pasta or with rise on the side
Images of me making Chicken Stroganoff

Bon appetit 🙂