Millions of years ago, people have desire for traveling. Ever since our ancestors wondered what lies behind the mountains, across rivers and forests, this desire is carved deep in every man.
Moreover, travels make us feel better and this is confirmed by many scientific studies. Travels have positive influence on man’s soul, mind and body.
Risk of psychological disorders, such as depression and anxiety, could be greatly reduced by traveling. Also, if you travel regularly, you have less chances to get cardiovascular diseases, heart attack and stroke.
Traveling to distant destinations can teach us to better coping unfamiliar situations, to take risks and that we can actually do much more than we can imagine. A time spent traveling, without electronic devices, can make us smarter, literally.
And what percentage says about traveling
New researches conducted by American scientists proved that journey rejuvenates and stimulates youthful spirit and look. The study analyzed the impact of travels on the men and women of different ages. That traveling is good for us, we knew before, but now we have scientific confirmation for that.
The research results are more than surprising and you will certainly be encouraged to start your journey as soon as possible:
- Women who travel 2 times a year have a much lower risk of heart disease compared to women who travel every 6 years or less.
- Men population that do not travel has 20% higher risk of premature death and 30% more chances to suffer from heart diseases.
- The positive effects of travels are immediately noticeable. After only one or two days spent on travel, stress is reduced for an incredible 89%.
- It is confirmed that after a few days spent in nature, with no phones and other electronic devices, level of creative thinking is increased by 50%.
- Travelling is extremely useful and has a positive effect on the oldest persons.
A few more convincing reasons to take travel
Thanks to modern technologies, the world has become a smaller place and it had never been easier to plan a trip than today. If your life has become routine, it’s time to change something, and the trip is a great way to do it.
You’ll discover new and interesting places, but simultaneously you will discover yourself. Every trip is a new learning about people, cultures, customs, history … Maybe you realize that the place where you live is not for you, or make sure that you live in the most beautiful city in the world.
Travels inspire and motivate.
After traveling you will be a different, better person. Good health, harmonious relationships, new friends and insights, all that you can get if you decide to travel at least once every year. Then you will become addicted to that feeling and you will not be able to imagine life without travels.