Owning a phone can entail a lot of responsibility, especially when it comes to maintaining its condition. Every phone, such as Alcatel A30 Fierce, needs proper maintenance. After all, though the inside of a phone may be an important thing to monitor, the outside of your phone counts just as much, especially in cleanliness.
To put it short, cleaning your phone is something that needs to be done on a regular basis. If ever you want to keep your phone as new as the day you first bought them, then do whatever it takes to keep them clean. In fact, there are numerous ways to do just that, with many of them consisting of unorthodox, yet effective methods. With that said, here are some phone cleaning hacks you can try for yourself:
Using Toothpaste to Clean your Phone Screen
You may have heard of this particular hack in numerous other areas. If you think that toothpaste is only good for giving your teeth that radiant shine you’ve always wanted, then you’re missing out on a lot of its other benefits, especially for your phone screen. Just rub some on it, let it dry, and you’ll have a screen that’s devoid of those pesky fingerprints.
Using Microfiber Cloths
These things usually come packed with the phone when you buy it; and these things are also usually discarded upon first glance. When it comes to keeping your phone clean and safe from any outside elements, these microfiber cloths may just save your phone’s life. Think of all the dirt and germs that stick to the cloths when you use them to wipe your phone off.
Using Rice or Silica Bags to Dry Your Phone
Everyone knows that when a phone gets wet, it can mean the end for the phone. Luckily, besides airing your phone out, there are other ways to get the moisture out of your gadget, namely some rice and silica bags.
For both of these, all you’ll need to do is cover your phone in a bunch of either of them and set them aside for at least 2-3 days, all while remembering to keep your device open and take out the battery for maximum effect. Once time has passed, put your charger back in and voila! Your phone is back to normal before you know it.
Another thing that’s noteworthy about this hack is the amount of cleanliness it can give to your phone, especially when using silica bags for the job. Silica bags have the ability to take out any odors or dirt out of your phone by absorbing them, which in turn leaves your phone looking as fresh as ever.
Key Takeaway
The world of hacks can definitely bring you a lot of perks and advantages. It’s the ingenuity these hacks have that enable one to think out of the box. In the case of keeping your phone clean, the aforementioned hacks can definitely guarantee a fresh and clean mobile device for your convenience and enjoyment.