It’s simple: unhappy employees don’t work well. Their projects will fail, which will make disappointed clients no longer want to invest in your company. This can be avoided if you set a good work attitude example, which can help shape the work culture of your office. Failure to cultivate this culture could lead to endless cycle of employees coming and going; similar to the practice of endo. Because of this, your company will always be comprised of entry level workers and trainees and no associates. Your company cannot evolve to the heights you want to reach if you the people in it don’t perform well.
Now, as an employer, your employees are, naturally, more socially reserved towards you. Because of this, it may be hard to tell if someone has a grievance since they feel like they can’t tell you directly. You’re going to have to look for signs. Here are some examples:
Reaching for only the minimum
As a business, you’re going to want to exceed the expectations of your clients. This attitude is what makes companies evolve. You want employees that believe in this mantra because it encourages them to not just go for bare minimum; they aim to do more to invest in their careers and get the coveted promotion. Employees that don’t aim for the promotion are merely there just for the pay check and not success. This disinterest to grow in their field means that they aren’t happy with the job or with what they are doing.
Disappearing Acts
If employee absence has been a problem for you, then that could also mean they are unhappy. It’s possible that they relate the workplace to excessive stress. This leads them to find all opportunities to not be at the work space. Signs of this are the following:
- Tardiness
- Over-breaks
- Work and Life Imbalance
- Clock-watching
Lack of Transparency
People in a company may only have professional relationships but they are relationships none the less – whether it is boss-employee or between the employees. For any relationship to flourish, transparency is a requirement. The lack of this in the office is dangerous because it doesn’t allow trust to form. A sign of an office without trust is eerie silence. While silence is needed for concentration, too much of it means they are not communicating well with each other. This is because they don’t trust each other with their thoughts and opinions. This kind of environment is toxic and it could lead to people leaving or work inefficiency.
People choose to apply for certain jobs over others because they feel like they can use their special skills there. Because of this, being accepted at their desired job will make them feel like their value is recognized. Companies that value their employees inspire them to work hard and invest in their careers in your company.
There are two things that can make an employee feel unvalued; first is if you assign him to do something that you both agreed (via contract) that he/she shouldn’t be doing. This will make him feel like just a person being bossed around. Second is failure to give them credit to a job well done. It is a horrible feeling when you don’t believe like your efforts have any meaning. If you do any of these things, then expect your employees to lose enthusiasm and no longer invest their efforts. Try to re-evaluate the way you see and treat your employees if you see this sign.
Your employees are your most valuable asset and their happiness is the key for success in your business. For the sake of your company’s future and overall positivity, make sure that you make working in your company an inspirational experience.