The largest number of travel insurance claims are refunded quickly and without any problems. However, sometimes it happens that the request for payment is not accepted.
In order to avoid situations where you can not compensate the medical expenses, loss of property or the trip cancellation, while you are ensured, look at the list of the most common reasons for rejection. This is also a way to prepare and avoid the inconvenience for reimbursement of your policy.
- Take maximum care of yours belongings
The insurance company will not cover the costs for the lost money or documents if you did’t do your best to protect them. If you leave your purse in an easily accessible place, and then lose your money and documents, the request will certainly be refused.
- If you don’t have any proof of purchase or a police report on the theft of property
You must prove that you lost something or that it was stolen. If this happened, you should go to the police station within 24 hours, where you will receive a police report for the theft. Proof of ownership may be the original receipt or something else that clearly shows that the lost thing belongs to you. Also, if you lost luggage, ask airline company for written confirmation for this.
- You consumed too much alcohol
If it turns out that you lost something while you were drunk or under the influence of opiates it is more than likely that the policy will not be accepted.
- The country in which you are traveling is not safe enough
If the official recommendations are to avoid some regions and countries for safety reasons, then you will not be able to charge the cost if you had an unforeseen circumstance.
- Be preventive and protect yourself against local diseases
It is recommended to be vaccinated and to take the necessary preventive medication if you are traveling to the country where is known that you can get a certain disease. For example, if it is regulated that before going to an African country you should take medicine against malaria and you do not, you have to pay medical expenses if you get malaria.
- Specify the concept for close and distant relatives
One of the common reasons why people cancel the planned trip or return earlier is the sudden serious illness or death of a close relative. However, it would be good to determine who is considered as a close relative by your insurance company. This will avoid possible inconvenience witch will prevent you to get your money back if you cancel your trip. The recommendation is to check whether the chronic illness of a close family member is covered by the insurance policy, because that may affect your travel plans.
- Define “valuables”
What the term valuables really means, this varies from one insurance company to another. Also, be sure to carry them with you while you are in some means of transport. Do not be surprised if you somewhere later read in fine print that valuables are not covered by the insurance policy if they were out of your control during the journey.
- Always inform your insurance company about the state of emergency
Often, people only after returning home inform the insurance company about the problem that happened on the travel. It is necessary to do it immediately when unforeseen circumstances occur. In the policy there is always a telephone number of the Support Center and that’s the first thing you need to do if you suddenly fall ill, lose things, or you have to return earlier. This way you can avoid the situation where your request for refund of policy is refused.
The advice among advises would be to always, several times carefully read what policy covers and what not. This especially refers to the famous “fine print” that usually hide the information in question.