PhoneBlock help make it happen by sharing #phoneblock

phoneblock a phone worth keepingSo this is a new kind of phone. It’s made of blocks. Detachable blocks. They’re all connected to the base, and the base connects everything together. Electrical signals are transferred through the pins, and two small screws lock everything in place.  We need your help to spread the word share this document as much as you can. Together we can make a change. Continue reading “PhoneBlock help make it happen by sharing #phoneblock”

Windows Live Messenger not working

You haven’t opened Windows Live Messenger MSN for some time, and today (after April 8 2013)  while trying to open it again it’s not working, you can’t sign in. Sorry to tell you after April 8 2013 Microsoft decided to completely close MSN but don’t worry there is an alternative

I have been hearing about a lot of people lately complaining why they can’t access their Msn, so i want to draw your attention to the fact that Microsoft bought Skype in October 2011, and now they have 2 messenger, so a logical step i to ditch one of them and at the end of the day the decision was to stop Msn and keep Skype, but don’t worry Nothing is lost, all your contacts are still saved, all you have to do is start using SKYPE.

We previously had an article on how to migrate from Msn to Skype, check that link you and follow the instructions step by step.

Just a small note for your old Skype account if you had one, Forget it, From now on you will always be using your Microsoft account, which was the same account you signed in with on Msn.


RegisterStartupScript with asp:updatepanel

Using if you want to add a script to the page from the code behind. The normal Page.RegisterStartupScript will not work if it is called from a button (or any other event) inside an updatePanel.

This is the normal code you would use ( this will work normally if you don’t have an updatePanel)

Page.RegisterStartupScript(“popup”, “<script type=’text/javascript’>alert(‘hello world’);</script>”);

It should be replaced with the following line of code

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(PanelID, PanelID.GetType(), “script key”, “alert(‘hello world’);”, true);

or use it like this same result

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(PanelID, PanelID.GetType(), “script key”, “<script type=’text/javascript’>alert(‘hello world’);</script>”, false);

Hope this was helpful and solved your problem