Art Murals On Google’s Data Center Walls

Google, one of the largest and richest companies on the planet, thanks to its internet and technology business, has decided that the outsides of its data centers are boring. So the company has decided to hire artists to put murals on the walls of these centers to not only make them aesthetically pleasing but to create curiosity about the work that is going on inside. Thus far, two data centers, in Oklahoma and Belgium, display murals. Two more, in Dublin, Ireland and Council Bluffs, Iowa, are slated for the artistic upgrade. Google plans for 11 other data centers across the world to be decorated with murals.

Jenny Odell and her Google Map Inspired Mural

In Mayes County, Oklahoma, an artist named Jenny Odell decided to take her inspiration from Google Maps. She resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and thus grew up around technology centered on Silicon Valley. Images in her mural include swimming pools, salt ponds, circular farms, and wastewater treatment plants. Odell is interested in bridging the digital world and the visual, thereby creating curiosity in people who view her art and making them gain a new perspective of the physical world.

Oli-B’s Mural Inspired by the Inside and Surroundings of the Data Center

Oli-B created the mural that now graces the outside walls of the Google data center in St. Ghislain, Belgium. Oli-B’s approach is to combine images from inside the data center–objects, animals, and people–with those from the surrounding town. The mural’s images are incorporated in clouds, a metaphor for “the cloud,” in which an entire universe has been created digitally. Oli-B works in a variety of media, including acrylic, spray paint, digital, and screen printing. He uses a variety of surfaces, including paper, canvas, wood, walls and even stickers. He started as a graffiti artist in his teenage years before turning respectable, though he has not quite broken away from his street artist roots. Oli-B’s work tends to be in bright, appealing colors that catch the eye, His work can be seen on various walls, posters, and even articles of clothing in Belgium and elsewhere in Europe.

The Purpose of Corporate Art

In the modern age, as it was during the Renaissance, corporations and rich benefactors are increasingly becoming patrons of the arts. Office buildings, hotels, and other structures are enhanced when they are decorated with paintings, sculptures, murals, and other appealing objects. Whether one is a merchant prince in 15th century Florence or a entrepreneur in 21st century Silicon Valley, patronizing the arts brings prestige.

Google believes that the murals being created on the walls of its data centers will serve as attention-getting devices, drawing the eye to what would otherwise be drab, boring structures. The company believes that what goes on inside these data centers is of great interest and significance. The idea is that the buildings themselves should reflect that fact.

In any case, we can look forward with interest to what the data centers in Dublin and Council Bluffs will look like once the artists hired to create murals get through with them.

Featured images: License: Image author owned

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WhatsApp releases a desktop app for Windows and Mac

WhatsApp released today a desktop app for windows and mac users, like the WhatsApp web app this application will mirror your phone. The application is available and compatible with windows 8 and higher or Mac OS X 10.9 and higher.

To download this app open this link and the web will give you a download button on the right depending on the operating system you are using, Windows or Mac

whatsapp download

There is currently a very high number of people trying to download the WhatsApp desktop app so your download might stop working and get an Failed – Network error message, just give it some time and try again eventually it will work. Or you can download WhatsApp Desktop app for windows 10 x64 version that we downloaded from here (63Mb).

The good part about this desktop application for users at work is that you do not need administrative access to use WhatsApp desktop application.

Remember after installing the WhatsApp desktop application your phone has to stay on, this application still does not work on its own. You will need to scan a QR code to make it synchronize with your phone.

Same as the web, the WhatsApp desktop application will enable you to use your keyboard and all the shortcuts like copy/past etc… which is a great advantage for most of us, specially if we are using our computers at work for most of the day.

Some of the new things, you will see the number of unread messages you have in the status bar whatsapp desktop notification this is an advantage on the web app. The notification is also different and it’s not dependent on the browser. Not to forget the power of the right click that now makes sense inside the desktop application.

One thing did not change, you can only use one remote location other than your phone, the Webapp or the desktop app, they cannot be used simultaneously.

If you have anything to add  to this story drop us a comment below.



WhatsApp adds end-to-end encryption to chat and calls

Update your WhatsApp today and you will receive a new message with a lock at the beginning “Messages  you send to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption. Tab for more info”

whatapp secure message

The app had encryption since november 2014 but today they accomplished complete communications encryption throughout the whole application, beside the regular text messages encryption which was already available, WhatsApp now protects voice calls, video chats and group messages.

This protection is available throughout all the platforms that WhatsApp runs on including Android, iOS and BB10 and others, all you have to do is update the latest version from your store(google play, iTunes…).

A thumbs up for Open Whisper Systems who worked on achieving this open source messaging encryption.

On a side note, in this same update WhatsApp added a new option for attaching pdf files, when attaching a PDF, you can now tap “Browse other docs..” to pick a PDF from another source, like Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive.

Drop us a comment if you have any thoughts on this topics.

Windows 10, setting Chrome or Firefox as default browser

photo-windows-10-logoYou installed lately windows 10, you noticed that your default browser is no longer what it used to be. When you open your Chrome or Firefox the browser asks  you if you want to set this as your default browser then a message will appear to change this for the settings.  here are the steps with screen shot on how to change the default browser on windows 10 and this can be used to any other default software. Continue reading “Windows 10, setting Chrome or Firefox as default browser”

Steps How to cancel or activate your Apple Music subscription

apple music unsubscribe

Apple introduced lately Apple Music, and with the attempt to advertise this service the company gave all the users a 3 month free subscription. By doing so most of the users will download there music and hence get attached to this service and start paying. That’s one of the strategies to keep users hooked up to a service. If you want to cancel Apple Music subscription check below the steps how you can it from IOS or from Itunes.

Continue reading “Steps How to cancel or activate your Apple Music subscription”

Good grocery list application

Every house needs to have a grocery list of the purchases needed, today its better to have it as application since your phone is always with you

Before choosing which application we should use, we had a couple of of conditions that application should abide by. Simple to use, a free application, can synchronize between more then one person and this is useful specialty when there is more then one person in the house.

Continue reading “Good grocery list application”

Reset the net: June 5th 2014 #ResetTheNet

FacebookCover We use the internet to be ourselves but governments are building a prison around it we have to stop them, but how ? they seem so vast and powerful, but government spies have a weakness, they can hack anybody but they can’t have everybody. Folks like the NSA depend  on collecting insecure data from tapped fiber. They depend on our mistakes – mistakes we can fix. The Plan: Reset the Net. Together on June 5th, one year after snowden’s first NSA story, we all take one powerful step to turn off government spying and turn on freedom. the call is simple : Find some territory of the internet that you can protect from prying eyes. Seize and hold it. Continue reading “Reset the net: June 5th 2014 #ResetTheNet”

TFS steps to Force an Undo Check out (Force Check in)

visual studio Team Foundation ServerWhile working in the environment of Visual Studio with Team Foundation Server (TFS) with multiple check out Disabled. you might come across a scenario where your team members have checked out a files and they are not present to check in for you to be able to use those files. This is why TFS has an administrative command prompt commands, this will only work if you have administrative access on the TFS project, and should not be done from the same computer that checked out the file. Continue reading “TFS steps to Force an Undo Check out (Force Check in)”