Software Engineering Managers: Make It A Habit To Code

Software engineering and web development codes are constantly updated with new trends, technologies, and techniques. This is why engineering managers should still code 30% of their time. Never lose touch with the code.

From Engineers to Managers

Software engineers spend all their working hours coding. It is what they do and it is everything that is expected of them. Those who exhibit people skills and have potential for leadership are sometimes promoted as team leaders, and eventually, to a managerial position. Once this happens, less and less time is spent coding, as managerial tasks take precedence over hands-on software development.

Being a manager entails a lot of corporate and administrative tasks, such as filing reports, attending meetings, and ensuring smooth-sailing day-to-day production of team members. This may take up most (if not all) of their working hours, and there is little (or none at all) time left to actually practice hands-on coding.

Because the software programming and web development industry is dynamic and ever-changing, there are steep consequences when the coding skills of a manager become rusty or outdated. The mutual professional trust and respect between managers and engineers may regress and become degraded. As mentioned, it is important for engineers to be confident that their managers know and understand what they are doing and going thru in their daly jobs and projects. When managers do not spend any time coding, how can they understand the various concerns that their engineering team may raise? When this happens, leadership, planning, strategizing, and actual production may suffer, eventually contradicting the whole reason behind the promotion of engineers to supervisory or managerial positions.

Keeping Up with Current Trends

As a manager, you need the knowledge and skills to facilitate decision-making and leadership. At the end of the day, you are responsible for the project’s outcome. Thus, knowing the current updates in the codebase is important.  Just as product managers occasionally enroll in product management training to refresh their skills and gain new knowledge of what’s new in their field, allotting a third of your time for coding will let you track the changes that happen in the field of coding.

Making Time for Coding

So, your team loves and respects you for loving coding. But they still need you to be their leader. You are also responsible for your team’s production and morale. With administrative and external tasks piled on top of that, how then, do you make time?

Know when to say no. If your team has more projects than they can handle, they may feel overworked and burned out. Eventually, your schedules are dictated and finding free time for coding will be extremely difficult. This may be counterproductive to both you and your tech engineers.

Categorize your work, determine which tasks take priority, and delegate what you can!  Delegating shows your team members that you trust them, and it frees up some time for you to practice coding.  After you decide on your priority list, you can allocate a couple of hours or so for coding.

As an engineer-turned-manager, your love for coding will be your motivation to actually make time for it.  Think of it as a hobby that you can not let yourself go without.

Featured images: License: Creative Commons image source
Michelle Gonzalez has been writing for SMEs across the United States, Canada, Australia and the UK for the last five years. She is a highly-experienced blogger and SEO copywriter, writing business blogs for various industries such as marketing, law, health and wellness, beauty, and education, particularly on product management training such as those offered by

5 Reasons to Use Social Media for Business Marketing

I know that using social media to market your brand can feel weary. Although confusing and overwhelming at times, social media can be a very powerful tool for your business. If you are on the fence about bringing your business to social media, these 5 benefits might just convince you to join.


In the past, marketing was a huge part of a business’s budget. Marketing is still a huge part of business, but the form has shifted. Social media is a great way to market your business, and it’s free! It levels the playing field between businesses and opens everyone up to a large audience. Social media allows you to invest more time than money into your marketing campaign.

Customer Relationship

Social media allows you to create relationships with customers by directly interacting with them. Customers will be encouraged to respond to posts, and keeping the conversation about your business going through different social media feeds will keep them aware of it. Not only do your customers most likely use social media actively every day, they also take it with them everywhere via smartphone. In addition to this, customers can share information from your page onto their page. This is the new form of recommendations, customers share what businesses they like with their friends on social media, which encourages their friends to give your business a try as well.

Keep Up on Competitors

Using social media for your business will allow you browse through other competitors pages. You can keep up on new trends your competitors may be implementing in their business. You can also see what customers are saying to them, products, and other information that might not be readily available to you by visiting their store or website. Especially locally, this kind of information allows you to be even more competitive with pricing and quality because you can directly address the concerns your competitor’s customers have.

Email Marketing

You no longer need to wait for customers to sign up for an email list in order for you to share newsletters, discounts, or other information with them. You can now share this information with your whole audience, as well as new customers who might be browsing the page for information. Email doesn’t have to go out the window all the way you can use social media and attract customers with a “Join Mailing List” button making it even easier for them to join and stay in the know.

Build your Brand

Social media allows you to really grow and confirm your brand. Businesses now have voices, giving you the ability to accurately build the image you want for your company. Respond to local events, news, and reviews in a tactful, timely manner. Your image and brand can really show itself on social media, and give customers an idea of the experience they will have using your business. Social media can help give you that boost to make your brand memorable to customers.

If you want a cheap, fast, accessible way to reach your business’s audience and customer base turn to social media. Just remember to keep your pages positive and respond to customers tactfully, since these profiles become the face of your business. Good luck and have fun!

Ways to Find Your Router’s IP Addresses

When the individuals or commercial owners have internet router device at home or office, often they are in need of finding the IP address of their router. IP address is nothing but the Internet Protocol address which is assigned to every router device by the manufacturer. If you are using the Windows system, this address of the router is known as the default gateway address. In the iPhones, iPads, and Mac systems, it is called as the router IP address. Whenever you are searching for the different ways to find the IP address of the router device connected to your computer, the following are the simple methods to find it.

Windows and Linux systems:

For the Windows computers, the IP address of the router is known as the default gateway address in the network connection information of the system. The users can able to use the command “ipconfig” in the command prompt window in order to find this internet protocol (IP) address. There is also another graphical way to do the same for finding the router’s IP address or default gateway address.

  • First of all, you should go to the control panel by right clicking on the start button.
  • Then, you need to click the view network status & tasks option under the network and internet.
  • You have to click the name of your current network connection at the right side top corner of the control panel page.
  • After that, you can click on the details button in the control panel window which will give the IP address of the router or IPv4 default gateway on the Windows system.

If you are using the Linux operating system in the computer, getting IP address of the router will be going on another way. The users have to click on the network icon existing on the Linux desktop and then select the connection information option. There, you will get IP address of the connected router next to the default route or gateway.

Mac OS X and Chrome OS:

  • On the Mac OS X, you should have to click on the Apple menu given on the bar which is at the top of the screen and then select system preferences options.
  • After that, click on the network icon.
  • In the next step, you need to select the current network connection whether it is wired Ethernet or Wifi connection.
  • Then, click on the advanced button at the bottom of screen.
  • After, you must go to the TCP/IP tab and you will now get the IP address of your router device.

If the people are using the Chromebook, you have to click on the notification area which resides at the right side corner of the taskbar and then click on the connected to [Network Name] option in the given list. After that, it is highly necessary to click the wireless network name currently you are connected to. In the next step, it is essential clicking the network tab once the network details appears on the screen to get the IP address of the router to the right side of the gateway.

Finding router’s IP address on mobiles:

Now days, most of the people are connecting their smart phones and tablets to the internet router to access the various websites and mobile apps. The following are the different ways to find the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the router device on the various mobile operating systems.

Android – Generally, any version of android operating systems don’t providing a way of getting the network information to the users. But some of the special android apps help to do this process in order to find the router’s IP address. The android smart phone users can download and install Wifi analyzer app on your device to find the IP address of the Wifi network currently you are connected to. In this app, you have to tap the view menu and then choose AP list. Then, you will get complete Wifi network information with the IP and gateway addresses.

iPhone and iPad – Most of the people are now using the Apple iPhone and iPad device to enjoy the unique features and benefits of the Apple brand.

  • On the iPad or iPhone, you should need to open the Settings app and tap to the Wifi option.
  • Then, you have to tap to the current wifi network name you are connected.
  • With this, you will get the IP address of the Wifi router.

192. 168.1.1 – It is actually IP (Internet Protocol) address used by the broadband routers from the Linksys brand. For more information visit this site Sometimes, other brands of internet routers and network gateway devices are also using this IP address for accessing settings and various other network purposes.

Hoverboards Are Cool, Until They Explode And Kill You

Hoverboards – those motorized skateboard things that were prone to catching fire and exploding into a fiery deathball – have found their way back onto Amazon.

Around Christmas time last year, videos of hoverboards blowing up in their driveways or setting fire to homes made their way around the internet. Airports, subways, and all manner of public areas began banning the devices on their premises, and eventually the U.S. Government opened an investigation and asked retailers to cease carrying the products in both physical and online stores.

Now it seems that manufacturers have done enough to convince Amazon that their product is safe and explosion free (hopefully). Segway has already unveiled their new and safer hoverboard: the Segway MiniPro– essentially a plus-sized hoverboard that comes with a knee bar for steering.

So what was the issue with the old devices that caused them to explode seemingly at random?

The Answer is always China

Enter the world of cheap lithium ion batteries made very cheaply in Chinese factories, where quality control is typically less than ideal.

They’re cheap, and it makes sense: this was a hot holiday product, the reputable models are pretty expensive, and more-affordable brands are using cheaper components to lure in shoppers that don’t want to spend a grand or more on a hands-free Segway.

“There are a lot of factories in China that now make Li-ion batteries, and the reality is that the quality and consistency of these batteries is typically not as good as what is found in top tier producers such as LG or Samsung,” says Jay Whitacre, Professor of Materials Science & Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. “These are known as ‘low cost li-ion batteries’ by most in the industry—they are not knockoffs or copies, but are instead just mass-manufactured cells.”

Lots of things can cause a battery to malfunction, and the nature of how these Hoverboards function is a primary one. When something is being banged around, either intentionally or not, it will absolutely cause disruption in the cells.

“If there is an inherent defect in the cell, it will go off at some point,” Whitacre explains. “Small defects in the manufacturing or materials stream lead to the plus/minus sides of the batteries being shorted with each other after a small amount of use. When this happens, especially when the batteries are charged, a lot of heat is generated inside the cells and this leads to electrolyte boiling, the rupture of the cell casing, and then a significant fire.”

Not that any of this is new. Li-ion batteries have long been subject to controversy as a risk, being the cause for exploding laptops, cell phones, e-cigarettes, and all manner of other devices.

So what can a consumer do if they still want one of these devices?

Conventional wisdom says that you should just stick with the top brands, but in completely new and uncontrolled categories of technology, there are almost never exemplars of quality and safety. When something is a fad, it’s hard to know when any of the companies will be around for a long time, and are just trying to make a quick and easy buck.

The fact that we haven’t heard any new reports of the MiniPro (since it was actually certified by the UL 2272 standard) we have some semblance of hope.

So your best alternative seems to be to wait out the storm. Being the first to own a popular product might give your social status a nice boost, but is it worth your safety?

Using Social Media for your Business

Facebook has over 1 billion users and Twitter has over 300 million. With so many users it’s impossible to ignore social media and any business should strive to utilize social media as effectively as possible. Here are some ideas to keep in mind.

 Set goals.

Start with the purpose of the company and develop social media goals from there. Do you want to engage customers more? Do you want to expand online sales?  Do you want to develop or correct the image of your company? Having goals gives your social media activity a sense of direction.


First find what works for businesses and what doesn’t. You don’t have to be on every platform, some companies don’t belong on Tumblr or Pinterest just refer to your goals and do some research about each one. Keep up on what each platform is doing like the addition of reactions on Facebook or Microsoft acquiring LinkedIn. Research also involves doing so keep track of which posts generate traffic or user interaction.

Be patient.

Some businesses have unrealistic expectations about their social media strategies, gaining followers does not happen overnight and it takes plenty of time. It’s important to be patient when you want to increase traffic or web presence. Creating content also takes time, there should be a purpose behind what you are posting so take your time and think about what kind of message you are projecting.

Be active.                                                             

Successful social media strategies are constantly active. Whether you are retweeting, uploading pictures, or updating your profile stick to your goals and create schedule. Social media trends are constantly changing and some only last a few days, not everything you post has to be evergreen. Take some time each day to work on your account and remember to update across all platforms not just your most popular one.

Stand by your statements.

Social media is used to communicate your views. If your business takes a stand on a divisive issue stand by what you say, that doesn’t mean replying to every single negative comment but you shouldn’t back track either. It’s also okay if you decide to stay away from this type of attention. Standing by your statements also means owning up to mistakes, accidents happen and owning up to a bad repost or tweet is better than pretending like it didn’t happen. Apologize and move on.

Be creative.

With so many accounts for business it’s easy to get lost among them, being creative with your posts makes you stand out. You can be funny, being professional doesn’t mean devoid of humor. Even newspapers make puns and publish a funny story now and then. No one can tell you how to be creative so just have fun and see what works.

Top 6 Rules For Effective SEO

The rules of search engine optimization are constantly changing, and it is not just about the use of keywords. Relevant content and user friendly design and layout are important factors as well. And with the rising number of users searching the internet with their mobile devices, it is no doubt that mobile friendliness has become a crucial element in SEO.

If you are a startup business owner, here are a few SEO rules to follow so you can gain better ranking on search engine results pages:

Provide Interesting Content

It is not just about getting your target audience to click your link from the search engine results page. It is, more importantly, about getting your site visitors to stay on your website and click that buy button or call your store. And how do you do this? By offering relevant, interesting content that will keep them hooked on your page and navigate through your website until they finally decide to make a purchase.

Include Relevant Keywords and Phrases

Aside from your target keywords, make sure to also include relevant keywords or phrases. For instance, if you want to rank for ‘best mobile app’, it is not enough to place this keyword phrase in key areas in your content, such as the heading, the main body, the image alt text, and meta description. You also need to add your other keywords that would catch the attention of search engines, like iPhone app, Android app, or app for finding best restaurants, for example.

Make It Shareable

Social sharing is the new word of mouth. You want your content to be something that your users will find good enough to share to their family and friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media sites. Start with quality, original content that is long enough to have all the interesting stuff, has appealing images, and share buttons that make it so convenient for your audience to post your page on their social media account with just one click.

Go for Long Form Content

A recent SEO training online suggests that you forget about 300 to 500 words. Recent studies show that pages with longer content of at least 1,200 words rank better in SEO. Keep your copy engaging by breaking it down with sub-headings, adding bullet points, images, tables, and infographics.

Be Mobile Friendly

As mentioned earlier, more and more people are using their smartphones and tablets to get information, which is why it is very important to make sure that your content is searchable on mobile devices. On Google, mobile friendly sites are given higher ranks on mobile devices than those which are not. So, go talk to your website developer if your site does not yet have a mobile friendly version.

Add Unique Images

Although using stock images is not bad at all, having unique images on your website helps to set it apart from the rest of competition. Using your own images adds value to your site and will pay off eventually as more and more of your readers become committed to your site, visiting it more often and sharing its links on their blogs and social media accounts.

Featured images:

Michelle Rubio has been writing for SMEs across the United States, Canada, Australia and the UK for the last five years. She is a highly-experienced blogger and SEO copywriter, writing business blogs for various industries such as marketing, law, health and wellness, beauty, and education, particularly on creating online courses such as those offered by

The Cost of Clean Water

Large scale desalination plants are found in Saudi Arabia and Israel because of their dry climates, up until now desalination has never been a priority for the United States. Unfortunately California is now facing the same challenges as these Middle Eastern countries. Historically California would import water whenever there was a need for it, a majority of the water coming into San Diego is from the Colorado River. With water resources becoming scarce California is looking for new ways to provide water.

San Diego County is home to the Carlsbad Desalination Plant. It is the largest desalination facility in North and South America. It can produce up to 54 million gallons of clean drinkable water a day. This is good news for California that has been in a drought since 2013 but for San Diego 540 million gallons of water a day is not nearly enough to supply everyone.

In order to desalinate water it most go through a process known as reverse osmosis. Approximately half the water taken into the plant becomes fresh water while the other half contains all the leftover salt. The extra salty water is then diluted and recycled back into the ocean. Reverse osmosis requires large amounts of pressure in order to convert salt water into clean water but that pressure requires a significant amount of energy.

The Carlsbad Desalination Plant is now the single largest user of energy in all of San Diego County. They have spent over a billion dollars in order for the plant to run at maximum efficiency. Maintaining the desalinating process requires a large enough power source, the cost is one of the reasons desalination is not widely utilized in the United States. Energy is approximately 55 percent of a plants cost of maintenance. With a growing trend of businesses going green many desalination plants are looking towards alternate energy sources. Renewable energies are becoming less expensive and provide tax breaks for businesses in the U.S. Unfortunately solar and wind energy alone cannot generate enough power to completely replace current sources. Desalination plants have installed energy recovery devices that mitigates energy loss through data centers.

In spite of these efforts water from the plants still costs more to produce than it does importing fresh water. Desalination is promising but energy is still too costly to rely on desalination plants.

How to get more Facebook shares

how to get more facebook shares

1. Be Consistent

Post 5 times a week so you’re “top of mind” for your Fans.

2. Time it right

The best time to post will depend on the type of business you’re in.

3. Use eye-catching images

Alternate photos and video with text-only updates.

How do you find awesome, eye-catching images?

Easy. Use Post Planner’s Viral Photos feature.

4. Keep it short

Posts between 100 and 150 characters (fewer than 3 lines of text) see 60% more Likes, comments and shares than longer posts.

5. Be relevant

Your content should let your audience know that you know who they are.

6. Use your authentic voice

People are your Fans and friends because they like what you do. Your voice on Facebook should be true to your brand.

7. Include a call to action

If you ask your Fans to Share, Like or Comment, they are more likely to do it.

8. Be creative with apps

Contest and promotion apps, along with forms, surveys, etc. can deepen users’ involvement with a business or brand.

9. Have a sense of urgency

Include up-to-minute tips and tricks, and whenever possible, dispel myths.

10. Offer value

Before you share something on Facebook ask yourself if you think your Fans will find value in the content.

11. Be entertaining

If your followers like funny memes or respond well to video, take note. Use the type of media that works best for your audience.

12. Be educational

People love to share how-to guides and tips.

13. Make a list

Lists, in the form of an infographic or a pdf (or a blog post) are great for sharing.

14. Be seasonable

Tailor your content to the season or an upcoming holiday.

source: marismith

Installing and running Firebase hosting and database from windows

Google has lunched the service Firebase which includes hosting, Database, Storage, Cloud messaging and many others. you can check all the information on

To install and use those service on windows you must follow the below steps steps, we will also show how to install and deploy Firebase hosting on windows.

1- Install node.js, if you haven’t before download it from this link

node.js installer

2- open the node.js command prompt, go to your start menu. find the node.js and from inside it open node.js commad prompt. It’s very important to open this command prompt and not the normal cmd.

node.js command prompt

3- run the following command “npm install -g firebase-tools”, in the documentation on google website there is a $ sign before this command, don’t use it as this is for unix and/or linux. If the installation is successful you will see something like this.

firebase install success

Congratulation Firebase is installed, now you have to connect to your google account and initialize a project.

4 – Connect to your google account using the following command “firebase login”, a pop up will open in a browser asking you to authenticate. If everything is successful you will get “+  Success! Logged in as”.

5- Initialize Firebase project, in this phase make sure you are already in the correct folder, because the installation will use the folder you are currently in as your home directory. As an example i created c:\firebase, so my command will be like this C:\firebase>firebase init

If this phase is successful you will get a big yellow firebase and the steps after that will select a project or create a new one and install for you a database and a public hosting folder.

To Develop and deploy web applications to firebase go to the public folder created, there is inside it index.html, update that file as you wish. now to deploy that file all you have to do is run the following command

firebase deploy

This command will upload all the content of the public folder to the link provided. in my case it is

you can also map any domain or custom domain to this project

if yo have any question drop me a comment below

Things You Thought Were True 

Fruit Bat

It’s always best policy to take anything someone says with a grain of salt. There are very few absolute truths, so the more commonly held truths are usually false. Below, some age old classic myths are cleared up.

Sugar makes kids hyperactive.

The idea that sugar makes kids hyperactive has been debunked for decades, yet it’s still a commonly held opinion. If there is a connection between sugar and activity, it hasn’t been proven. There are many factors that parents overlook by operating under the assumption that sugar is causing kids to act out. Age of the child, environment, activities and interactions have a greater effect on a child than diet. There are potential medical concerns with too much sugar in a child’s diet, but hyperactivity probably isn’t one of them.

Cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis.

Most likely perpetrated to get others to stop an annoying habit, studies on knuckle cracking and arthritis are inconclusive at best. The funniest study was from a doctor who, after warnings by his mother, cracked only the knuckles on his left hand for 60 years, finding no discernible difference between his two hands. Still, swollen hands or reduced grip strength may be a different result to watch out for.  

Bulls hate the color red.

Spanish matadors used red muletas centuries ago, probably because that is the color of their flag. Bulls charge at the object in motion, not a specific color. They are color blind.

Bats are blind.

Bats can fly perfectly well at high speeds in dark caves, though not necessarily because they are able to see in complete darkness. They use a process called echolocation, in which they make noise and listen for the vibrations from objects. Bats do have a keen sense of sight, most as well as humans, and some even see in color. Next time someone says you are blind as a bat, take it as a compliment.

Vikings wore horned helmets.

Helmeted vikings was a stereotype that began with artists in the nineteenth century. The use of ornaments on a helmet likely would have made battle harder on vikings. They typically wore carefully riveted cone or dome shaped iron helmets. Breaking this myth is less romantic, so people will probably go on believing vikings wore very elaborate costumes like Thor.

Restarting your computer is bad for the hard drive.

Common thought prevails that it takes strains a computer more to start than to keep running. In a lot of ways, machines respond to stimuli like humans. A computer needs exercise, but also can get keeps the system refreshed. Like restoring the immune system, the computer keeps strength to deal with corruption or viruses. To start fresh reduces load times and enables faster performance like a well-oiled machine

Alcohol kills brain cells.

Drinking in moderation is fine. Long-term brain damage has been noted with heavy drinkers, but some of that is due to nutritional deficiencies rather than alcohol specifically. Alcohol impairs function, reducing communication between neurons by restructuring brain cells, not killing them. The notion of killing brain cells is more true within the developing brains from unborn babies to teenagers. But, alcohol is still dangerous and causes other problems, specifically esophageal cancer. Also, it’s a myth that humans use only 10% of the brain. In fact, the entire brain is at work all the time.

Hands-free phones are safer while driving.

In most, if not all, states, hands-free devices are a permissible form of cell phone use while driving.  However, that doesn’t make hands-free devices safer. They provide a false sense of security for drivers. Plus, having a conversation on the phone has shown that drivers process images slower and have only half the normal field of view. Studies have shown little to no difference between dangers of handheld and hands-free devices.

IT jobs are not sustainable after age 35.

The IT industry has a long history of ageism. However, routine tasks are typically outsourced to specialists, people who need a specific knowledge, not knowledge of all computer systems. Many positions have huge need for workers, while employers can’t wait around several years for an expert to graduate. Fields like analytics and marketing are well-suited for literature or music backgrounds, not necessarily math or computer science backgrounds. Basically, if someone is willing to do those jobs, they can get hired at any age.

The Dwarves are the greatest rock and roll band in the world.

For twenty-five years, the Dwarves have not been shy or humble about acknowledging that they are the greatest and even named their last album “The Dwarves Invented Rock and Roll”. All that time, the Supersuckers have held the same claim. In fact, their website header lists them as “The Greatest Rock-N-Roll Band in the World.” I tend to believe the Supersuckers with evidence from an interview by Dwarves’ singer Blag Dahlia, in which Supersuckers’ singer Eddie Spaghetti clearly tells his peer in rock that the Supersuckers are the greatest, to no objection.