Green beans, also known as French beans, Fine beans , string beans in the northeastern and western United States, or ejotes in Mexico, are the unripe fruit of specific cultivated varieties of the common bean
Green bean varieties have been bred especially for the fleshiness, flavor, or sweetness of their pods. Haricots verts, French for “green beans”, may refer to a longer, thinner type of green bean than the typical American green bean.
Ingredients needed to make this Recipe. (4 servings)
- 400 g of Green bean
- 200 g sliced Meat/Chicken
- 2 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 1 medium size onion
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 500 ml of water
- 100 ml of tomato juice
Preparation phase (5 min)
- cut the onion to medium size cubes
- cut the meat/chicken to cubes
Steps (30 ~ 40 min)
- heat the oil in a pane and put in the onions for about 1~2 min
- add the meat/chicken, and keep stirring every 5 min
- as soon as the meat/chicken are cooked add the water, salt
- as soon as the mix i next to boiling add the beans and wait for around 20 min (need more if the beans are not fresh)
- as soon as the beans are well cooked add the tomato juice
- wait for around 15 min for the mix to become a little bit viscous

Bon appetit 🙂