Tribute to Neil Armstrong the first man to land on the moon in 1966. He died on 25 August 2012 at the age of 82. Rest in Peace. Continue reading “Tribute to Neil Armstrong”
Longest Nose in the World
And you think you have a big and a long nose. Graham Miller has been confirmed as having the world’s longest nose. His nose measured 3.46 inches (8.7884 cm) when it was last measured on July 6, 2007.
Changing default WordPress Email
By Default , wordpress sends users emails from to change that you have to do is the following easy steps Continue reading “Changing default WordPress Email”
Food and mood
We explain what the latest research can tell us about how different food makes us feel, and why.

Living Healthy
Life nowadays has become oriented towards making our tasks easier and physically effortless. We use our cars or public transportation to go where ever we please, we sit at our desks for 8 to 9 hours per day, use elevators to reach floors and so on… combined with a bad eating regime, will transform our bodies from a healthy working machine to a lazy, malnourished and inevitably prone to many health issues. Continue reading “Living Healthy”
Visual Studio 2012
Microsoft Released today the new Visual Studio 2012 and the .NET Framework 4.5
Healthy food that last long in the fridge
Almost everyday we stand for long minutes wondering what to eat, and of of the time we find nothing to eat. here are some of the food you can stack in your fridge because they last for a long time Continue reading “Healthy food that last long in the fridge”
Benefits of walking
Walking has endless benefits, recommended number of steps accumulated per day to achieve health benefits is 10,000 steps or more. Continue reading “Benefits of walking”
11 ways to know if the honey is Pure
Honey, how can we know if we are eating a 100% pure honey or mixed with something else?
As you know honey is a food that will never rot of get spoiled. the easiest way to know if the honey is 100% pure is by extracting it yourself directly from the comb, or buying a Honey Comb sealed in the hive by the bees.
Continue reading “11 ways to know if the honey is Pure”